What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid?

Audiologist looking into a woman's ear canal

Hearing loss is a health issue that many Canadians struggle with. Studies have shown that an estimated 54% of Canadians aged from 70 to 79 have at least mild hearing loss in the high-frequency range. But do all cases of hearing loss require a hearing aid? And at what level of hearing loss should I […]

6 Things to Remember When Dating Someone With a Hearing Loss

6 Things to Remember When Dating Someone With a Hearing Loss So your partner has a hearing loss. They struggle every day with situations that people without hearing loss can never truly understand. It can be difficult for you as the partner without a hearing loss at times too. Your loved one’s hearing loss doesn’t […]

What You Need to Know About Hearing Loss and Driving in BC

What You Need to Know About Hearing Loss and Driving in BC Though it may not be something that you think about, hearing loss can affect your driving. While driving primarily depends on your visual perception, being able to hear when driving helps you to better immerse yourself in your environment, which allows you to […]

Tools that can make day-to-day life easier for people with hearing loss

Tools that can make day-to-day life easier for people with hearing loss Every day comes with its struggles for people who are deaf and live with hearing loss. There are actually side effects of dealing with a hearing loss, especially if left untreated. Often they deal with listening fatigue and an increased risk of burnout, […]

Signs of Hearing Loss in Each Stage of Life

Signs of Hearing Loss in Each Stage of Life Hearing loss can affect people of all ages for various reasons such as genetics, exposure to loud noises, presbycusis, autoimmune issues and sometimes ototoxic medications. More dangerously, untreated hearing loss can cause issues, often psychological, which also tend to be the indicators. If you’re concerned that […]

What To Expect in An Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal Procedure

Audiologist looking in a middle aged man's ear canal

Cerumen – commonly referred to as ear wax – is a natural secretion by the human body and is actually very beneficial and serves an extremely important purpose. Individuals with too little ear wax are likely to be prone to ear infections and itchy ears. And while cerumen is good for your ears, there can […]

What Are T-Coils? How Do They Help My Hearing?

Elderly man talking on the phone while using a tablet

As technology keeps improving, the list of hearing devices keeps expanding. Even though that’s a good thing overall, there are more and more “fancy” terms being thrown around. That can be confusing, and some users have difficulties noticing the difference between marketing and facts. As soon as you get into your research about hearing aids, […]

What Can I Expect During My Free Hearing Test?

Audiologist looking into a woman's ear canal

Hearing loss is a fairly common health issue for adults in Canada. The good news is that it is treatable, especially when addressed at earlier stages. If your hearing is not what it used to be, why not schedule an appointment to get it checked as soon as possible. To help with this, NexGen Hearing is […]

Phonak or Oticon: Which Brand of Hearing Aid is Best?

NexGen Hearing staff showing different types of hearing aids to a man in a blue shirt

Purchasing a hearing aid is a big commitment, as it will affect the way you hear and interpret the world. With how much a hearing aid can impact your life in a positive way, you had best be sure that the hearing aid you decide to buy will do the job you need it to […]

How Much do Hearing Aids Cost in British Columbia?

NexGen Hearing staff showing different types of hearing aids to a man in a blue shirt

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, you’ve probably considered getting hearing aids. One of the most common questions from people is “how much do hearing aids cost in British Columbia?” Unfortunately, this question is not that straightforward to answer. There are quite a few factors which will influence the price of your hearing aid. Because of this, […]