Trouble Understanding Speech. Is It My Hearing or Am I Getting Old?

Middle aged man with his hand on his chin in thought

Age-related hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting older adults. Hearing loss can impact a person’s ability to understand and interpret speech, which impairs their ability to communicate. As a result, as we age our ability to communicate becomes more difficult. When an older person asks us to repeat something we just […]

Hearing Aids for Children

Young boy in a green shirt smiling

About 3 out of 1000 children in North America are born deaf or with some degree of hearing loss. Other children develop hearing loss later in life through ear infections or exposure to loud noise. If your child has been diagnosed with hearing loss, you will be presented a number of options for treatment, including […]

There’s No Reason to Wait for Healthy Hearing

Audiologist adjusting a hearing aid on an elderly woman

Healthy hearing helps us connect to both other people and the world around us. We talk to family, whisper to friends, listen to music, and take in the sound of nature every day. As our hearing is impaired so is our ability to communicate as well as enjoy the world. Since hearing loss is often […]

Hearing Loss in Adults: A Serious Problem

Audiologist discusses hearing loss with an elderly man.

As hearing loss emerges as a serious health issue for aging persons, it is increasingly important to stress the dangers of letting even minor hearing loss go untreated. Some experts posit that sufferers of hearing loss take an average of ten years before visiting an audiologist for help. Learning what to do about hearing loss […]

Help! My hearing is muffled!

Middle aged man trying to use his cell phone with a hearing aid

A common sign of hearing loss is when people report their hearing is muffled. When a person indicates that they have some sudden or gradual hearing loss and that loss affects one or both ears, it is important to visit a specialist. Muffled hearing can be caused by a number of factors, but only a […]

Enhancing the TV Experience for People with Hearing Loss

Young man with his chin in his hands holding a remote while watching TV

Understanding speech is one of the biggest day-to-day challenges for people with hearing loss. This starts with face-to-face conversation, although non-verbal cues can help provide context for better comprehension. The real difficulties, however, come into play when we no longer have as many of those visual cues, or any at all. Hearing loss is a […]

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

Middle aged man in glasses cupping his hand around his ear to try and hear better.

As of this July, over-the-counter hearing aids (OTC hearing aids) will be available to purchase in the United States. Many people may be curious about this option for hearing loss and what it means for the industry, so here is some more information about them. What are they? Over-the-counter hearing aids can be bought directly […]

What is NIHL (Noise Induced Hearing Loss)?

Noise graphic

Symptoms, causes, and prevention tips for (NIHL) Noise-induced hearing loss. There are over 10 million people in the US alone with noise-induced hearing loss. People with noise-induced hearing loss have it due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. Regretfully, a big number of NIHL cases are preventable. We are all subjected to sound every day, […]

Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Young woman with her hands over her ears

What is Noise-induced hearing loss? Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a permanent hearing impairment that is a direct result of over-exposure to loud noise. Hearing loss is caused by irreversible damage to the inner ear and results in poor hearing capabilities. In the past 20 years, hearing loss has become more common in the younger […]

Donating Hearing Aids

behind the ear hearing aid being fitted on a young girl

Anyone who has owned or is familiar with the costs associated with hearing aids, eyeglasses, or similar devices knows that they can be quite expensive. You may even be holding on to a pair of old glasses or your grandma’s hearing aids, hoping to find a better alternative to throwing them out. The good news […]