For many years, popular opinion view loss of balance or instability on one’s feet as a natural bi-product of aging. However, recent research indicates that vertigo, dizziness, and loss of balance are often related to hearing loss. If one treat’s the hearing loss, then agility and balance improve. Modern health practitioners agree that the key for overall health as you age is to undergo regular hearing evaluations and take steps for early treatment of any hearing loss and associated issues.
Loss of balance and falls account for up to 50% of deaths in person over the age of 65. This data, culled from the U.S. National Institute of Health, also projects up to $3 billion U.S. dollars of expenses each year related to falls associated with vertigo or dizziness. Treatment of the hearing loss leading to these falls improves both a person’s emotional and social networks while also keeping them out of the hospital and rehab facilities.
The best defense is a good offense. It is important to be proactive about your hearing health. If you experience any feelings of spinning or falling when, for example, getting up and down from a chair or bed you may be experiencing early signs of hearing-related vertigo. Other signs of mobility issues possibly related to hearing loss include an increased sense of unsteadiness, the inability to move your feet where you want, or listing to one side while walking.
Hearing loss on its own is frustrating enough. If such loss affects your ability to also move about safely and confidently, the negative impact is much greater. The key is take steps after the first sign of hearing loss or vertigo to contact an audiologist or hearing instrument practitioner. An online hearing test provide a baseline to understand your unique situation and to craft an appropriate treatment plan that lets you resume the life you love.